
The need to write

There wasn’t any particular reason why I stopped writing, but there wasn’t any to keep me writing either. Like I mentioned before, it felt like I ended up wrting for the sake of getting eyeballs. But while I was away, I noticed something. If I don’t write it down or …

Blog revived

Ya, so I am back. For the longest while I thought something broke with my site and I couldn’t figure out what it was with a quick glance so I just left it alone. Cause the past couple of years was just pure chaos and it took everything in me …

2020 year of upheavel

What a year. Chaos brought opportunity for me. This has always been the case for me. COVID 19, identity politics, racial tension …

The coming recession

There is some takeaways from yesterday’s blog post about the 3 death knight events I encountered. What didn’t occur to me is …